Tech report #11
📌 NFT Staking HUB:
➡️ Custom celery service for Ultron token processing.
➡️ Refactored smart contract for better performance and compliance.
➡️ Updated Ultron Network contract for data conversion and compliance.
📌 Infrastructure:
➡️ Scaling workers to handle high transaction volumes.
➡️ Celery tasks distributed among nodes for efficiency.
📌 UlxScan:
➡️ Obtained uUSDT price from CoinmarketCap for accuracy.
➡️ Added NFT metadata search and zero dollar cap option.
➡️ Improved UltronSwap UX with saved “Chain to” information.
📌 Bridges:
➡️ Upgraded retry system for task completion.
➡️ Implemented Ultron default chain for better UX.
➡️ Deploying Chainbridge for cross-chain transfers.
➡️ Updated API for efficient token pricing and volume data.
➡️ Creating adaptive UI for Ultron Bridge convenience.
Source: https://t.me/ultron_foundation