🦙UltronSwap Dex on DefiLlama🦙
DefiLlama has listed UltronSwap Dex on its platform!🚀🚀🚀
Why is this important?
📌 DefiLlama is one of the largest DeFi TVL aggregators. It exclusively tracks popular layer-1 blockchain systems and their dApps. 📊
📌 They gather open-source data and daily trading activities for analysis. Then the report is made available to everyone for free. 🗂 📈
📌 It is considered one of the most essential tools for crypto investors. 💻🪙
📌 Inclusion of UltronSwap Dex on DefiLlama’s platform empowers the project to be recognized and supported by crypto investors and enthusiasts. 💪
Check the announcement here 👉 https://twitter.com/DefiLlama/status/1580949952745725953?t=-tsojHjTCgWzyuSHMWLTAA&s=19
UltronSwap Dex on DefiLlama 👉 https://defillama.com/dex/ultronswap
🟣ULTRON is never stopping📈, constantly evolving🔁, becoming the fastest growing 🚀layer-1 blockchain in the universe 🌎
Source: https://t.me/ultron_foundation